With the usage of Hamlet's postponed revenge for his father, Shakespeare as a great playwright could actually give space for the human mind to develop itself. When taking the problematic understanding of humanity and mind in this play, one problem always needs to be faced, and that is the problem of identity. With the opening of the first Soliloquy it can all be seen that a question of what makes us all more of a human nature is not really answered but left to be interpret by some individuals, and give this insight on how and why something can trouble one's mind. Morality and disillusionment, which both belong to the individual's own point of view on life and his own mindfulness from a psychological viewpoint is that these two cause Hamlet's deferment, and put the actual idea why Shakespeare wanted to perceive as putting the important emphasis on the individual's mind. Shakespeare, with the usage of many amazing elements of writing, sets the stage from the very beginning of the play for Hamlet's internal dilemma, and with that tries to give this question of how humanity and human mind works. The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,Īnd by opposing, end them. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer Taking the way of troubles than just trying to end everything, he steps against his and Denmark's way of humanity understanding: Hamlet is a character that is mainly obsessed with grief, anger, and revenge, and that part of his human condition is pretty much appalling. What Shakespeare really wanted to present here is this human condition of always looking for better answers, even though when there are none.
When "to be or not to be" (Soliloquy 1, Act 3, Scene 1) is taken, it can be seen that Hamlet is directly addresses to a more of a fundamental question on the part of humanity, asking What is mortality: is it really better to live a life full of struggle or is it even better to commit suicide. Hamlet is a very complex character that deals with a lot of philosophical issues in the play. What made this play so influential and to gain its popularity is the interesting way Shakespeare uses his characters, and mostly Hamlet, to give an example on the workings of the human mind. Hamlet is Shakespeare's longest play, and is considered among the most powerful and influential works.

Claudius had murdered his own brother in order to seize the throne, also doing immoral things like marrying his deceased brother's wife. Set in Denmark, the play exaggerates the revenge of Hamlet which is called upon his uncle, Claudius, by the ghost of Hamlet's father, King Hamlet.